Our Call To Service

Through various personal transformation and healing journeys, this call to be of service was birthed.


Having gone through many years of extensive training in the transformation and healing space allow you to experience in-depth healing in a safe and sacred container. 


Our collective mission and purpose is that you feel safe, that you experience in-depth healing and that you receive the tools and necessary guidance to step fully into your authentic self. That you are able to go back home and implement the lessons, the insights and take daily action steps to continue to see long lasting changes in your life. 


At Samskara Healing Retreats, we believe that you become the invitation for others to step into their greatness. When you heal, shift and transform you are able to share your gifts with the world. This is where you have the opportunity to bring to the surface what is no longer aligned with your highest good, who you really are and who you are becoming. 


Our retreats are designed to not only support you where you are at, they are curated in such a way that it exposes unhealed aspects of yourself, old wounds or trauma that need your attention. That need love, compassion and healing. You will go through various processes that will help to remove the blocks that may be holding you back from being YOU fully.

Meet The Woman Behind This Mission



Anna is an Entrepreneur, Trauma Informed and Elementum Certified Life Coach, Certified Somatic Release Breathwork ™  Facilitator and Usui Reiki master. Her healing journey began in 2006, eventually connecting her with her purpose in life. Her mission is to be a clear channel and vessel and inspire others to step into their greatness. In 2016 she connected with her mentor Kute Blackson and later became his apprentice. She has volunteered and helped manage his transformational women’s seminars which have paved the way to align her with her purpose of helping others heal and transform their lives.

Anna was called to sit in her first Ayahuasca ceremony August, 2020 and in that ceremony she was given the vision to be of service to the plant medicine community. It was a calling that she could not deny as it was part of her soul’s mission, to lead and guide others to experience profound healing while sitting with plant medicine. 

Through her own transformative inner work and the alchemy of healing, she’s unlocked the gates to personal freedom and profound connection. With gentle guidance and unwavering presence, she invites others to embark on their own journey of self-discovery, illuminating the path to authenticity and wholeness.

Drawing from the depths of her own healing journey, she offer a beacon of light amidst the shadows, empowering others to release the shackles of trauma and reclaim their true essence. Through sacred ceremony and soulful exploration, she creates a safe and nurturing space for individuals to reconnect with their innate wisdom and innermost truth.

As a moon dancer with Chalchiuhtepatl Mihtotia circle she has developed reverence for the sacred dance of life, weaving together ancient wisdom and modern practices, infusing each moment with intention and grace. 

What Does The Name Samskara Mean?

A Samskara, in the realm of spirituality and originating from ancient Sanskrit, refers to the impressions, imprints, or patterns that are deeply ingrained within an individual’s subconscious mind. These impressions are acquired through various life experiences, actions, and thoughts, shaping one’s attitudes, behaviors, and perceptions. They can be likened to deep grooves etched into the riverbed of our minds, influencing our perceptions, beliefs, and behavioral patterns.


Imagine yourself standing on the banks of a river, gazing at the constant flow of water. Just as the river carries with it various objects and debris, our lives are shaped by our experiences, both positive and negative. In the rich tapestry of our existence, Samskaras are the imprints left behind by these experiences, etched deep within our being.


Samskaras are believed to carry the essence of past actions and memories, creating tendencies and predispositions in individuals. They can be positive or negative, influencing future actions and the overall path of personal growth and spiritual development.


Similar to imprints on a clay pot, which determine its shape and form, Samskaras shape an individual’s character, personality, and ultimately their destiny. They can be seen as karmic imprints that persist from one lifetime to another, affecting the journey of the soul.


However, the concept of Samskara also provides hope for transformation and liberation. Through conscious awareness, understanding, and spiritual practices, one can work towards purifying and transcending these imprints. By unraveling and transcending Samskaras, individuals can attain self-realization, freedom, and a deeper connection with their true essence.


Through the lens of healing, Samskaras offer us a profound opportunity for transformation. They hold within them the potential for liberation and growth. Like a key that unlocks a hidden door, the process of addressing and working with Samskaras can lead us towards profound healing and self-realization.


Healing through Samskaras involves a conscious and intentional exploration of these imprints. It is a process of diving deep into the river of our consciousness, examining and understanding the roots of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. By shining a light on these deep-seated impressions, we gain clarity and awareness of the patterns that may no longer serve us.


Transformative healing occurs as we consciously engage with our Samskaras, inviting them into our awareness with compassion and curiosity. It is through this gentle exploration that we can begin to release the grip of these imprints, loosening their hold on our lives. By acknowledging, accepting, and understanding the origins and impact of our Samskaras, we open ourselves to the possibility of change and growth.


As we delve into the transformative process of healing Samskaras, we may find ourselves embracing practices such as mindfulness, self-reflection, meditation, therapy, or energy work. These approaches can assist us in cultivating self-compassion, forgiveness, and the development of new, empowering patterns of thought and behavior. Gradually, we move towards healing, restoring balance, and reconnecting with our true essence.


In the grand tapestry of our human experience, Samskaras serve as catalysts for profound transformation. They offer us the opportunity to embrace our wounds and vulnerabilities, knowing that through our healing journey, we can emerge stronger, wiser, and more aligned with our authentic selves. By engaging with our Samskaras, we unlock the potential for deep healing and the realization of our true potential.

We’re a highly collaborative and supportive team, coming together on every retreat to ensure each participant has the best experience.

Our Mission

To support you on your transformational healing journey with the utmost integrity, love and care. We are passionate about helping others reach their fullest potential in life.  


Our Values

We strive to go above and beyond for each person who crosses our path. We aim to deliver our very best every step of the way with integrity, compassion, service and lots of love. 



We are huge advocates of integration. Comprehensive preparation for working with Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, Somatic Release Breathwork and other healing modalities we offer are crucial. We are committed to support your ongoing integration after your retreat as this is an important part of your healing experience. It is critical you commit at the deepest level possible to the advice offered by our staff before, during and after your retreat in order to ensure your healing experience is positive, safe and sustained over the long term. 


The Samskara Healing retreats are an opportunity to rebalance, cleanse, and learn about your true self. You will need personal integrity and courage as you will face the whole of yourself, including “shadow aspects.” Although it is impossible to predict what you might experience with each medicine, it is essential to understand that Plant Medicine brings the experiences of your inner world into your conscious awareness; this includes the “shadows” within that lie at the root of disorder, imbalance, suffering and pain. We are deeply committed to providing a safe and caring environment to support you in anything that might arise. 

“I cannot recommend Samskara Healing Retreats enough! Right from the outset they have your back. Deeply and lovingly they hold you all the way. Just spending 5 days with this team of people would be a life enhancing experience let alone all that is offered to us for us to transform and heal and LOVE MORE, LIVE MORE. I cannot recommend Samskara Healing Retreats enough!”
Cindy Aikman
New Zealand